Support for days after a bereavement

Helping you to cope with the difficult days after your bereavement.

Your Grief Journey

When you’re organising a funeral or sorting out the paperwork following a death, there isn’t often much room for reflection or thinking about how you feel. You might be taking care of others, too. The follwing guides will help you to cope with the difficult days after your bereavement.

Looking after yourself in the days ahead

During the initial days after your loss, you may feel like you’re in a fog or overwhelmed. It’s easy to neglect self-care. However, taking care of yourself is important in the process of healing and adapting to a new routine.…
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Sharing the News of a Death

Telling others of a death can be very stressful and overwhelming – especially when it’s unexpected. You might feel like you’re on autopilot. If you were with your loved one when they died, or you’ve just found out the news…
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Resources to Help in the Days After a Death

The admin after a death can be quite stressful. Fortunately, there are some good services out there to help, including: Tell Us Once, the government’s service for anything HMRC-related. Settld is a fantastic resource offering a free death notification service…
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Talking to Children about Death

Telling a child that someone they love has died is a particularly hard part of parenthood. We often hear statements such as: “Children are resilient.” Many children aren’t resilient. They are surviving and getting on with their lives, leaving grief…
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Funeral Anxiety: How to Prepare Yourself Emotionally

Attending a funeral can be a deeply emotional and challenging experience. It’s natural to feel apprehensive, anxious, and uncertain about how to navigate the event. In this article, we will discuss some strategies to help you overcome the worry of…
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Get help from a Grief Specialist

You don’t have to grieve alone, a qualified Grief Specialist can bring you an array of professional support, including grief coaches, therapists and specialists with a wealth of expertise and shared life experiences.