Support for funerals

Helping you to cope with planning and attending the funeral.

Your Grief Journey

Coping with the loss of a loved one is an overwhelmingly emotional experience, and knowing how to navigate the funeral process can be particularly daunting during this difficult time. This section includes a range of guides, providing helpful insights and practical advice to help you plan and prepare for the funeral.

Digital Legacy: Caring for Online Accounts

In today’s digital age, it is important to consider the online presence and digital legacy of a loved one after they have died. Managing their online accounts and social media requires sensitivity and careful attention. You may or may not…
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Grief and Mixed Emotions

You’d be forgiven for thinking you were going mad when you’re grieving. You can flip-flop between a multitude of feelings in the space of five minutes, which can feel confusing and conflicting. Rest assured, you’re not alone. These mixed emotions…
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Clearing up a lifetime’s worth of stuff

If it has fallen to you to deal with belongings after a death, we’re here to help you to sift through and organise it all. Unless you’re under pressure to sell a property, it could be quite easy to ignore…
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Should I let my child go to a funeral?

Because all feelings are normal and natural, including sad or painful ones it would be easy to say, “yes of course.” The real question is whether your child is old enough to hang around relatively quietly while the adults do…
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What to Wear to a Funeral

One common question that often arises is, “What should I wear to the funeral?” Traditionally, black has been the go-to colour for funeral attire, but over time, the expectations have evolved, and today, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The Tradition…
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Funeral Anxiety: How to Prepare Yourself Emotionally

Attending a funeral can be a deeply emotional and challenging experience. It’s natural to feel apprehensive, anxious, and uncertain about how to navigate the event. In this article, we will discuss some strategies to help you overcome the worry of…
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Get help from a Grief Specialist

You don’t have to grieve alone, a qualified Grief Specialist can bring you an array of professional support, including grief coaches, therapists and specialists with a wealth of expertise and shared life experiences.