Long term support

Providing you with tools you need to manage your new normal.

Your Grief Journey

Whether you are in the early stages of grief or have been on your grief journey for some time, this section of the website is designed to empower you with the knowledge and emotional awareness tools you’ll need to manage your feelings, honour the memory of the person who has passed away, and ultimately find a new sense of normalcy and peace in your life.

Breaking the Stigma of Grief

Although grief is a natural and universal experience that follows any kind of loss, it often remains shrouded in silence and stigma. Society’s discomfort with discussing grief openly has led to it being hidden away. However, by acknowledging the importance…
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Recognising Your Emotional Capacity

Life is filled with ups and downs, and along the way, we all experience various forms of loss, trauma, and stress. These emotional experiences can accumulate over time, causing our emotional capacity to become strained. Just like a sponge that…
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Grief and How it Can Impact Your Relationship

Grief is a very individual experience and everyone reacts differently. Grief might bring you and your partner together, or it might have the opposite effect and tear you apart. Here, we cover grief responses as a couple and how you…
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The Effects of Grief on Sleep

Grief is a natural and common human response to loss, and it can affect various aspects of one’s life, including sleep. Many people experience disruptions in their sleep patterns after experiencing a loss, and this can lead to a variety…
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Wellbeing and Nutrition After Loss

Looking after your health and wellbeing may not feel like much of a priority after you’ve lost someone important. Your loss may have left you with little appetite or, alternatively, a need to comfort eat. Sometimes, in the initial stages…
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Loneliness in Grief

It is perfectly natural to feel a sense of loneliness when you are grieving. You may be surrounded by loved ones who are there to support and comfort you but the physical and emotional void left by the person’s death,…
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Shining Light on Small Moments of Joy

When you’re dealing with grief, you may have heard some pretty unhelpful phrases or platitudes about being positive, or if someone you were close to has died, being told they wouldn’t want you to be unhappy or sad. We’ve heard…
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When a Will isn’t What You Expected

Dealing with the unexpected contents of a will can be a challenging and emotional experience. Discovering that the will of a loved one doesn’t align with your expectations can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and even angry. You can no…
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Managing your Return to Work

If you are returning to work after a bereavement, it can be difficult and emotional. Before heading back, see if you can talk to your employer first, or whoever you report to, to prepare for your return and help them…
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Get help from a Grief Specialist

You don’t have to grieve alone, a qualified Grief Specialist can bring you an array of professional support, including grief coaches, therapists and specialists with a wealth of expertise and shared life experiences.